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Alfred University’s annual Riley Lecture, hosted by the Women and Gender Studies program, was held Monday, March 18, with alumna Meghann Galloway ’10 (front-left in photo above) delivering her lecture “The Stories We Tell Ourselves: Using Narrative to Advance Policy Solutions to Our Most Pressing Social Problems.” Galloway, who earned a bachelor's degree in psychology from Alfred University and later a doctoral degree in clinical psychology and law degree from Drexel University, is senior counsel in the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Legislative Affairs. She is pictured above with, from left, Bob Stein, dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; undergraduate Alyra Rain; Danielle Gagne, professor of psychology; undergraduate Zeila Germosen; and Melissa Ryan, professor of English.
E-news is an electronic newsletter for Alfred University alumni and friends to provide the latest in alumni news and events, campus happenings, and sports. If you have news to share please email Mark Whitehouse or you may call us at 607-871-2040.
Save the Dates! Spring thesis exhibitions and senior shows are scheduled. MFA exhibitions will open every Saturday evening from April 6 -27, and Friday, May 3, with receptions from 6 to 8 p.m. on the first day of the exhibition. Senior Shows are scheduled to open with the annual large reception on Saturday, May 4 from 4 to 8 p.m.
The Pamela Lavin Bernstein Women of Influence Lecture Series, presented by Alfred University’s Judson Leadership Center, will be offered on Tuesday, April 2, at 7 p.m. in Nevins Theater, Powell Campus Center. Screenwriter, author, and music manager-producer Sophia Chang will deliver the keynote.
Jonathan Ziese, assistant professor of theatre at Alfred University, will lead a workshop during the NY Thespian Festival, scheduled for April 5-6 at Long Island University-Brooklyn.
Public events in the School of Art & Design + Performing Arts Division, week of March 25-31, 2024. All events are free and open to the public.